German Version
Personal Data
Univ.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Christine Maria JASCH
Born on November 7, 1960
Austrian Citizen
Rechte Wienzeile 19/10, 1040 Vienna
- May 1979 High School, Matura, with emphasis
on modern languages
- 1979-1985 University of Vienna and University
of business and trade: Study of Economics and Business Administration
- University of Agriculture: Study of agriculture. First and third stage of the program completed
- Studium irregulare: Ecological Economics
- July 1984 Masters Degree in Economics – title of diploma: "The Austrian Wine marketing Funds as aninstrument for stabilisation of the wine-market"
- July 1985 Doctorate in Economics – title of thesis: "The Austrian Beer Cartel - creation and dissolution"
- April 1989 Registration as Certifeid Public Accountant
- December 1995 Registration as certified environmental verifier under the European EMAS Regulation July
- 1999 Habilitation (Qualification for Professorship) in Environmental Economics and Environmental Management at the University for Agriculture, Vienna
Language skills:
(Mark 1 to 5 for competence, 5 = best)
Sprache |
German |
English |
Spanish |
French |
Italian |
Professional Experience:
1982 - 1989 Property Management
10/1984 - 03/1985 Auditing Assistant
4/1985 - 5/1985 Visit to Japan as Interpreter
and Translator for German - English
10/1985 - 06/1989 Audit Assistant and
Lead Auditor for Dynama Trust, Dr. Peter Schilling
2/1989 - 11/2020 Director of the Institute for environmental economics and management (IÖW)
- 4/1989 Commissioned as Tax Consultant
and Certified Public Accountant
5/1989 - 2/2021 Independent Tax Consultant
and Certified Public Accountant
8/1995 to 6/1996 Managing Director of
ETA Environmental Management and Technology Assessment Ltd.
12/1995 Accredited as
verifier under the EMAS regulation for Environmental Management
and Auditing and ISO 14001 for ETA Ltd.
7/1996 - 8/1997 Head of Department for
Verification and Certification for ETA Ltd.
- 2005 - 2018 Registered as expert for data monitoring under the EU Emission Trading
Scheme and the related Austrian Law, working with TÜV Österreich
- 4/2008 - 6/013 Member of the board of directors of oekostrom AG
- 2009 - 2011 Certification of GRI based Sustainability Reports and according to ISO 14001 for SGS, International Certification Services, Switzerland
- 9/2011-8/2020 Ernst & Young Climate Change and Sustainability Services, Senior Manager, verification of sustainability reports and environmental management systems according to EMAS and ISO 14001
Further activities:
1990 - 1992 Research Project "Eco-balance
as a Decision Tool for Environmental Taxes" at the Institute for Auditing,
Trust and Accounting, University Graz
11/1990 - 1993 Member of the Committee
of experts for tax law of the Institute for commerce, tax law and organisation
of the Austrian Chamber of Accountants and Auditors
11/1990-12/1994 Chairperson of the Working
Group "Environmental Taxes" in the Senate for Tax Law
- 1/1992 - 7/1995 Preparation and management
of the Austrian EUREKA - Project "PREPARE" and "ECODESIGN"
since 1992 Chairperson of the forum of
Scientists for Environment
10/1992 - 4/1993 Austrian delegate in
EFTA Environmental Group: EFTA Experts on Economic and Fiscal Instruments
since 5/1993 Member in the scientific
board of the ethical fund Ökovisin, Hilden, Germany
- 9/1993 - 9/2007 Chairperson in Austria’s
Standardisation body FNA 226 "Instruments für Environmental Management", Mirror committee to ISO 14000
since 10/1993 Austrian delegate to ISO/TC
207 "Environmental Management"
3/1994 - 12/2020 Austrian delegate to International
Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Paris
- 4/1994 - 2/2021 Austrian delegate to the
Environmental Task Force of the "Fédération des Experts Comptables
Européens (FEE)", Brussels
- 10/1994 - 5/2001 Chairperson of the working
group 1 "Environmental Management Systems and Auditing“ of FNA 226 the
Austrian Standardization Body
- 2/1995 Honorary International Associate
of the University of Dundee of Department of Accountancy & Business
- 5/95-4/2018 Chairperson of the Committee for Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development at the Austrian Chamber of Accountants and Auditors
5/1995 - 5/1997 Founder and chairperson
of the Austrian Institute for verifiers, auditors and environmental consultants,
6/1995 Registered as Principal
Environmental Auditor at the Environmental Auditor Registration Association,
8/1999 Member in the Expert Evaluation
Panel of the European Commission, DG XII for Global Change, Climate and
Biodiversity, "Socio-economic Aspects of Sustainable Development" under
the programme Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development
- 11/1999 - 4/2018 Management of the annual Austrian Environmental Reporting Award, AERA, of the Austrian Chamber of Auditors and Accountants
3/2000 Member in the Expert Evaluation
Panel of the European Commission, DG XII for Global Change, Climate and
Biodiversity, "Socio-economic Aspects of Sustainable Development" under
the programme Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development
- Member of the Einvironmental Management Accounting EMA Expert Working Group of the UN Division for Sustainable Development UN DSD -
- 05/2001-12/2005 Member of the scientific board of the TFI Eco Global Fund (TFI ECO) by AMIS, Asset Management Investment Services, Vienna
- 4/2004 - 4/2018 Member of the EMAN (Environmental Management Accounting Network) Steering Commitee
- 10/2006 - 12/2016 Member of the ethical board of the Ecofunds WWF Stock Umwelt and Climate of the Austrian WWF and Erste Sparinvest, since 10/2007 chariperson of the board
- 2009 - 2017 UNIDO Toolkit, Integration of EMA with Cleaner Production and EMS, Training of the Cleaner Production Centres and companies, e.g. in Honduras, Egypt, Tunesia, Morocco, Mexico
- 4/2010 - 12/2016 Chairperson of the ÖGUT jury for the sustainability labelling of Austrian dismissal and pension funds
- 12/2012 - 12/2020 Editorial Board Member of the Journal for Environmental Accounting and Management
- Since1/2021 Delegate of the Austrian Chamber for Accountants and Auditors to the Fiscal Committee of Tax Advisors Europe with a focus on green taxes
- Since 03/2021 Chairwoman of the association Arche Noah, a seed conserving association in Austria
Teaching engagements:
- Seminar for environmental managers at the Institute for promotion of vocational training (BFI), Wintersemester 1990/1991, Summersemester 1991, Subjects: Business administration and environmental economics
- Technical University of Bratislava, CSFR, Wintersemester 1991/92, 4-hour-lecture, Title: “Ecological Economics”
- University of Vienna Institute for International Business administration, optional subject Wintersemester 1993/94, 2-hour-lecture, Title: “Ecobalances and Environmental Controlling”
- Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Interdisciplinary course on “Environmental management”, Wintersemester 1994/95, 2-hour-lecture, Title: “Environmental information systems”
- Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Institute for environmental politics
Wintersemester 1995/1996, 2-hour-lecture, Title: “Environmental information systems”
- Fachhochschule Eisenstadt, 1996 – 2000 in every 8th Semester, Fach-hochschulstudiengang for international business-relations Eisenstadt, Lecture: 2 hours, kolloquiert, Practicum for 2 hours, Title: "Betriebliches Umweltmanagement und Ökologie"
- University of Agriculture Vienna, Institute for agricultural economics, Environmental protection and planning, since 1995, Lecture: 2-hous, colloquated, “Environmental management and accounting, indicator systems and Sustainability Reporting”
- University Klagenfurt, Magisterstudium Sozial- und Humanökologie am Institut für Soziale Ökologie (Wien), Environmental Management, 2006 - 2011
- Donau University Krems, Lectures on Instruments for Environmental Management, 2005, 2006, 2010-2015, 2017
- Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt, Campus Wieselburg, Environmental Management Accounting always in the 2nd semester and Corporate Social Responsibility Managementment always in the 3rd semester, 2007-2014
- Fachhochschule Kufstein, Facility- and Immobilienmanagement, Masterstudiengang, Best Practice in environmental and sustainability management, 2010-2014
- Fachhochschule Technikum Wien, Environmental and Sustainability Management, 2010-2014
- Fachhochschule Krems, Masterstudiengang Management, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Environmental Accounting, since 2011
Publications and lectures:
Several publications and lectures on the following subjects: Ecobalances and Environmental Controlling, Environmental management accounting and Environmental information systems, Environmental-conscious management, Environmental economics, ecological product design and evaluation, environmental management and auditing, standardisation in the field of environmental management, environmental taxes, environmental performance evaluation, benchmarking, indicators and assessment methods, environmental and sustainability reporting, socially responsible investing.
The publications
are mostly in German, partly in English, some have been translated into Japanese and Spanish or other laguages.
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